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En Suite Bathroom Reno Week 4: Fall 2021 Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

First things first...we had great momentum this week with votes...but we need to catch up to 1st place. So please, don't forget to VOTE everyday! We can do this!!

Week 4 was really busy and I made a lot of headway this week. This week consisted of leveling floors, replacing some of the shower drain plumbing and replacing the old drain, patching the shower floor, and A LOT of drywall! Plus I got to work on a few easy DIY projects! It is coming together….maybe too slowly…I just may be racing to the finish line!

Leveling The Floors…

I started out week 4 with some floor leveling. When I removed the original vanity, there was no flooring under part of it. In order to install my Hewn Cheyenne Stoneform flooring soon..I will need to have nice level floors. I filled most of the gap with cement board and poured a self leveling agent on top of it. It dried in a few hours and was ready to go!

A Little DIY Fun…

I decided to also knock out a couple DIY projects this week. I figured it was time to give my new (old) sideboard/vanity a fresh new look and nothing transforms a piece quite like paint. I was very excited to put my new Wagner Spray Tech Flexio 3500 to the test! It worked like a charm and I had that vanity painted in less than 5 minutes.

I also decided to keep the original knobs for the vanity and spray paint them gold! They are going to look fantastic with my new Sinkology Shockley Copper vessel sinks and Pfister Ashfield faucets!

I figured since I was in the DIY mood, I could also spray paint my light fixtures. I really liked the style…just wanted them to be gold. So for less than $4 I have seemingly new light fixtures!


Special delivery! The drywall finally arrived this week which means I am one step closer to transforming this space! I will tell you one thing…getting 16 sheets of drywall upstairs to that bathroom was SOOO HARD! Ugh…definitely not something I plan on doing again any time soon lol

I made really good headway on drywall this week so I decided to start one more DIY project!

Remember last weeks controversial removal of the storage cabinet? Well I decided to add storage back into the space. This time with an Ikea Billy Bookcase that I customized to fit my space! I plan on also building a couple doors for this cabinet but I love how it will be hidden in the water closet. I used bead board as the backer and 1x2’s as shelf brackets.

Then last but certainly not least, Mr Tyrus from Tyrus construction came and tore out part of the shower floor, replaced some of the plumbing, replaced the drain, and replaced the subfloor. I poured leveler in to get it ready for the shower pan install and that was a wrap for week 4! I have SOOO much to do and so little time LOL

Two more weeks to the finish line and I am definitely sprinting.

Let’s Talk Changes…

The most noticeable structural changes this week were definitely the drywalled shower and water closet! It’s taking shape and I will be high tailing it the next two weeks to finish! Next week I will be pouring the shower pan, adding the drain, adding all of the shower plumbing/faucets, drywalling the shower, finishing my vanity and adding my sinks and faucets…and hopefully finishing my wood accents for the walls and TILE for the shower!

SOUNDS like week 5 will be INSANELY BUSY!


Last but not least, a special shout out to our renovation sponsors… Jeffrey Court, Frog Tape, and Wagner!


As a reminder, I am sharing the progress weekly along with lots of photos! Make sure to head over to my Instagram to catch all of the behind the scenes and details in my stories.

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You do amazing things Astra! Love everything you are doing so fresh and lovely!!❤️ You are an inspiration…#myoklahomahomelove Cyndi


Aww thank you so much my sweet friend. I greatly appreciate it!


Jenkins R Kathryn
Jenkins R Kathryn

Fantastic you inspire me !!!! I am ordering the Wagner paint sprayer I have always wanted one and love the work you do with yours. Thanks for keeping us posted on all the projects. Gosh if I lived near you we could be BFFs !!!


Thank you so much! We could totally be besties ❤️

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